
Accountancy students have a life. Studying is the first on the list and some are lucky to have anything else on it.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Briefly explain TWO(2) types of intruders creatively and innovatively

hey and assalamualaikum everyone,

Today I am going to tell you a little bit on what intruders is all about. This is the theory part that we had learned a week after our mid semester examination that ends on the second week of January. And as usual, at the end of this entry, there would be a few video related to the types of intruders that I am going to explain later.

First of all, I would like to define what is intruder. Intruder is a person who attempts to gain unauthorized access to a system, to damage that system, or to disturb data on that system. In summary, this person attempts to violate security by interfering with system availability,data integrity, or data confidentiality. But we should remember that, hackers are one of the intruders that is used in popular media to describe someone who attempts to break into computer systems. typically, this kind of hacker would be a proficient programmer with sufficient tehcnical knowledge to understand the weak point in a security system.

Other than that, we also have many other types of intruders such as, unnoticed intruders,wiretappers, piggybackers, impersonating intruders, and eavesdroppers. But for this entry, I would explain in details only for two types of intruders that I have choose which is, WIRETAPPERS and PIGGYBACKERS.

A large portion of the information processed by the company's computers travels over wires and cables. some information is transmitted only from one room to the next, and other information may be transmitted across the country via the Internet. These lines are vulnerable to wiretapping , which may be done with even inexpensive devices, for example simple tape recorder and a short piece of wire, that are capable of performing the task without giving any clues that the wire is being tapped.

*This is how wiretapping works on the telephone*

*This would be the part of wiretapping equipment which includes electronic bugs,voice activated.

*And this would the details on the secret of wiretapping*

The most sophisticated intruders of wire tapping is called piggybacking. With this method, the penetrator intercepts legitimate information and substitutes fraudulent information in its place. 

A customer of a business providing hotspot service such as hotel or cafe, is generally not considered to be piggybacking, though non customers or those outside the premises who are simply in reach may be. Many such locations provide wireless internet access as a free simply to draw people to the area. Others near the premises may be able to gain access. The process of sending data along with the acknowledgment is called piggybacking. 

*This shows the connection on piggybackers process*

So here is the video that I have said earlier. Do watch and enjoy!

*How to Hack wireless*

*How to know whether your cellphone is being tapped*

*All pictures are to be credited to Google image, Yahoo image, and the video is credited to Youtube.

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