
Accountancy students have a life. Studying is the first on the list and some are lucky to have anything else on it.

Sunday 25 November 2012

My 1st Blog Post Regarding Accounting Information System (DAC0163) Mini Blogging Project

hey,and assalamualaikum everyone (:

First of all,i would like to tell that this blog was created for educational purpose and it is own by Eiffa and Sarah,who will in charge in updating the upcoming entry based on the topics given. Both of us are students that currently taking Diploma In Accountancy(DIA) at Management and Science University(MSU),Shah Alam. 

As i mentioned above,this blog is basically about one of the current subject that we are taking for this long semester on November 2012 session, which is Accounting Information System(AIS). This subject is divided into two parts which is theory and also practical,that will include learning of UBS system. 

On last monday,19th November,it was our first day that we were introduced to the lecturer,Sir Noreffendy Bin Mohamed, who will teach us for this subject. He explained to all of us regarding the assessment for this subject and also told us that every monday class,will be our theory classes and every tuesday classes (For Group C), will be our lab session which we gonna learn about the UBS system.

Then,on Tuesday, 20th November,which is lab session for Group C, Sir Noreffendy did further explained to us on introduction of UBS class. He did gave each of us two piece of paper,which one of it stated the division of assessment,the materials used,the internal MSU-UBS computerized Accounting competition,and our first tutorial, while the other one, mentioned about our first project that related to this blog,which is Blogging Mini Project. So what did you guys know about blogging?


To be honest,some of us are not really know or have any experience about blogging,or what is the function of the blog itself. So i guess this could be our best opportunity to learn about blogging since nowadays blogging is famous among the teenagers. And we were happy when we were told that we can do this project with a group of two people because at least we have partner to share this knowledge together.

From my point of view, this project is so beneficial to all of us,the students especially because through blogging we could have a great way for learning, so that the lesson wont be that bored. And that makes us to be more excited to learn the subject itself with an addition of learning something new from blogging. Other than that,we could also have another great experience when we were taught on how to make the blog or the entries more interesting,more colourful,and more informative for others to view or read. This may attract viewers to take a look at our hardworks and give comments. 

Therefore, I would like to say thank you to our lecturer for giving us this chances,and to the fellow classmates happy blogging! 


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