
Accountancy students have a life. Studying is the first on the list and some are lucky to have anything else on it.

Monday 10 December 2012

UBS skills I've learned until today are :

hey and assalamualaikum everyone (:

so last two lab classes we had learned a few new skills about the UBS system. Sir Noreffendy do taught us on how to use the UBS system since we are the beginner for this system ( as shown below).

Therefore,in this post,i am going to tell you the skills that we have learned so far in the lab session. And at the end of this entry,you can also watch the video tutorial that i will upload it so that you can get the information more clearly.  And you will get to see the system itself.

In our FIRST CLASS, we were asked by Sir Noreffendy to :

i) Entering the UBS system and we have to click 'ADD' to create a new company and we have to type the company name and also the directory as instructed by our Sir. For example, we type 'saraheiffa05-DIA' for the company name column,and 'ASGN1' for the directory. And both information is actually instruct by Sir himself.

ii)  Then,we have to sign in as Admin and also the password that is already been given to us.

*As you can see on the pic above,we have to login to UBS system by choosing 'ADMIN' and type the password correctly. Beside that we also need to 'CHANGED' the 'DATE' based on our basis year for the transactions.*

iii) Then we will go to Setup Wizard which we will update about the 'COMPANY' details. And after you update the details,you will be directing to the main page of UBS system.

iv) Here,we have to setup the 'COMPANY' again by go to'HOUSEKEEPING' ----> 'SETUP' ----> 'GENERAL SETUP' . By doing this,you will be go to general setup page,where you should write the company names,the address, and all other details.

NOTE:  In this section, you have to be very carefuly on the accounting year. We have to maintain the accounting year because the only part that can be change is on the last accounting year on the closing date (refers to the pictures above)

v) The next step is we have to add on 'CHART OF ACCOUNT' based on the information that we have in our books. So first of all,we have to go to 'GENERAL' ----> 'GENERAL A/C MAINTENANCE' and we will go to that page. Click Add and type the account number,account description and choose the account type and click 'SAVE'

vi) Then we have to add on 'BATCHES OF ACCOUNT' also based on the information that we have in our books. Firstly,we have to go to 'TRANSACTION' ----> 'ORGANIZE BATCHES' and we will go to that page. Click Add and type in the batch no,batch type,tittle until the last batches which is batches seven.

*The picture above shows the 'ORGANISE BATCHES' page.

vii) Our last skills that we learn on the first class is to do backup for our system. After we have done key-in all the information (chart of account and also the batches), we have to do the backup. First of all, we have to go to 'FILE' ----> 'BACKUP' and we will go to that page. Then we have to choose to backup on our C drive and click backup. 

After that, we have to go to our 'MY COMPUTER' which contain the C drive, click the C drive. Then we will see backup files,so click it. And we will see our backup files from UBS system is there. But CAREFUL,dont double click on the backup document because it might lead to system CORRUPTION. So we have to right hand click the document and click rename. Then we have to change the document name to our nickname for example 'backup.saraheiffa05-GC'.

In our SECOND CLASS ,we were learned another skills on UBS system :

i) As usual,we have to Entering the UBS system and sign in as admin and type the password as well and wait until it will be directing to the main page of UBS system.

ii) So the first skill on the second lab session is to restore the file that we had created earlier. Firstly,we have to go to 'MY COMPUTER' ----> 'C drive' ----> 'BACKUP FILE'. Then you will see you backup name document. Now you have to rename the document again to the normal which is from backup.saraheiffa05-GC to backup.acc.

iii) Then back to UBS system, we have to go to 'HOUSEKEEPING' ----> clear files, generate sample chart >> choose options 1 ( to clear both chart of account transactions)

iv) Then only,we can go to 'FILE' ----> 'RESTORE' and choose from C drive and it will be directing to our UBS system account.

v) After that,we have to enter the business transaction either

  • Add entry
  • Quick entry

And for the introduction of it,we learned the basic first which is 'ADD ENTRY' . To add the entry for the business transactions, we have to go to 'TRANSACTIONS' ----> 'TRANSACTIONS FILE MAINTENANCE' . Here we have to type in the details of the transactions which include the date,description and also the amount of DEBIT and CREDIT and click save.

vi) After we saved the business transaction,again we do the backup for the changes  that we have made. The way of backup is as I already wrote earlier. 

Thats it. But before I end this post,I would like to share the video on tutorial how to use the UBS system. Do watch,and enjoy! (:

 *UBS accounting tutorial 1*

*UBS accounting tutorial 2*

*All pictures are to be credit to google.com and all videos are to be credit to youtube.com. Thank you (: *

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